Ernie 01-12-04 copy

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2 Responses to Ernie 01-12-04 copy

  1. Bill (uncle willie) Hamill says:

    We’ve talked in the past. I hope you are enjoying retirement. Just a quick note to thank you for your strips over the years.
    In 2001 I went thru my first cancer and a part of my healing program was finding humor. Your strips were among 2 or 3 that
    brought laughter back into my life! Then 20+ years later a different cancer made a house call on yours truly. After surgery,
    chemo, etc I’m back to getting and staying vertical. Once again I dug out the old strips from the past in my therapy
    and once again they were a prescription for healing! Oh, and I also got blessed with diabetes this last time but it’s all good.
    I know you have had your share of life’s trip-ups yourself. Thanks for the laughs and memories! Be well, be happy. You provide good medicine.

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