From March, 2017. I thought it might be a good idea to put in something more recent…
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One of your comments reminded me of what my elderly neighbor told me several years ago. He said “I believe in the hereafter. Every time I go out to the garage I say to myself ‘What am I here after?’ “

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Date Night
Frau G is back from the subartic. So date night is back on. Check it out.
See that shirt. I found it in my closet. It was never there before. Stuff like that happens to me every year or so. We have a ghost that has followed us from our house in Oakton VA. We moved 12 years ago. This is our third house since then. Things appear and disappear. No kidding. Her name is Mrs. Bunting. She died in that house. She and her husband were the owners we bought it from. You may think I’m nutz, but I’m not kidding. Either that or Frau G is trying to gaslight me.

After my father died in 1958, my mother had a series of boyfriends. They would show up for free meals. That’s where the relationship between Sid and Effie came from. Except my mother was a good cook.
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Frau G is back from Yellowknife. The first three days she was there the high temp was -19F. You can have it. She said that the northern lights with the naked eye were colorless. She had to look through her camera to see the colors. She also said that she and her girlfriend were the only Westerners there. The place was almost all Chinese tourists. I’ll see if I can get some of her pictures and post them later.
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