I Thought Yesterday Was Tuesday

Which reminds me of this great cartoon by Paul Crum. It appeared in Punch in 1937.

I published lots of cartoons in Punch before I started Ernie. Many of them can be found in my single panel magazine cartoon books.

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9 Responses to I Thought Yesterday Was Tuesday

  1. James Blase says:

    OK, call me an illiterate dolt: Is a hippo knowing the days of the week supposed to be the funny part?

    • Bud Grace says:

      In 1935 the concept of hippos talking was an absurdity. And getting the days mixed up, like people occasionally do (as I did all day Monday), makes the concept even more anthropomorphic. I admit the gag is dated, but the early combination of absurdity and anthropomorphism made the cartoon very famous and appreciated back then. I can see why many people today wouldn’t appreciate the humor. But I have to smile every time I think of it. But, then again, I laugh at almost anything.

      • James Blase says:

        Thanks for the explanation. I can see it now that I’ve placed myself into the 1930s, metaphorically speaking. That was a time before the plethora of anthropomorphic cartoons in the Disney and Hanna Barbera universes became commonplace. Just the absurdity of animals speaking to each other in the 1930s was enough. Today, the animals speaking to each other must engage in witty reparté to be appreciated. Gary Larson’s “The Far Side” comes to mind.

  2. Divad says:

    There’s also the aspect of why does it matter to a hippo what day it is? I guess that may go with the anthropomorphism, that to us, it looks like them just doing the same thing day after day, but to them, they have schedules.

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