I told James B that I’d relate a story about skinny dipping. When I was a young adult, my sister, my cousins and I used to skinny dip every so often. We started when we were teenagers. It was I, my sister, my two male cousins and one cousin’s wife. We were skinny dipping in my cousin’s pool in Bradenton, but we decided to drive out to the island to swim in the gulf. It was about 11 o’clock at night. All of us piled into the station wagon and drove. Just at the entrance to Cortez Bridge to Bradenton Beach there was a hitch hiker. We stopped, he jumped in without looking. We started across the bridge, and he turned to look at us, five buck naked people. His eyes got real big and he started shaking a little. We just talked like it was absolutely the normal thing to go. Asked him how he was doing, how far he was going, etc. He didn’t say a thing. As we reached the other side he says “This is where I get off! I gotta go!” He was out of that car like poop out of a goose. What good times I had when I was young.

I killed this one. It didn’t appear.

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8 Responses to

  1. Robert R says:

    Was that senseless violence or a public service?

    You should do a book of the strips that did not get published.

    • David C King says:

      Second the motion … strips that did not get published is a guaranteed laughfest! Especially the Osama bin Laden strips … those were the best.

      Or was it the Obama Mother-in-law strips that were the best?

      Or anything with Mother Packer …

      Sigh … so difficult to decide on the best!!

      Thanks for sharing your great humour, Bud.

      • Bud Grace says:

        You know, I did a two week story of Enos going to Bango-Bango as a medical missionary just to land in the stew pot. It was the first in the series. Never published. I must have lost it. It was a good story, that’s why I continued the cannibal line. When I retired I searched and searched but never found it. I figure it must have been shipped to the archives at Ohio State. Maybe some day I’ll get up there and see. The problem wax that I worked 6 months ahead on my daily strips, and it must have gotten lost in the shuffle.

  2. James Blase says:

    Absolutely excellent skinny dipping story!

  3. AndyW says:

    Love the story. The family had a lake place in Minnesota and late night skinny dipping was part of the fun. When we’re young, of course.

  4. Judy Lynch says:

    That was a great skinny-dipping story! I remember our skinny-dipping days!! Such fun!!
    I agree with Robert R. You should do a book of your unpublished strips! I laughed out loud after reading todays strip!! Great!! Merry Christmas!

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