Category Archives: Uncategorized


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Hiya Kids! Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

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Whew! I finally put together all the books that I intend to put together. It’s taken me a long time and a heck of a lot of work, but I’m finally finished. I’m going to back off now and take … Continue reading

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Gary E told me why Taco Bell’s chihuahua got the ax. What a pity. Oops. That one didn’t make the cut.  

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Blue Monday

I forget who sent me this Frau G loves Taco Bell. Somebody explain to me why they got rid of the Chihuahua. Bill R asked for this

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How did Enos get into the cannibal pot? I drew a two week story early on about how Enos goes to Bango-Bango as a medical missionary. Turns out the local cannibals invite missionaries and then eat them. Seems that I … Continue reading

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