Sorry about yesterday. A while back Andrew J from Down Under asked about the time Sid rented an apartment to some college students. Been there, done that. The student part I mean. I lived in some pretty raunchy digs.
I was thinking about this. I have an exceptionally nice photo that I took in the Canadian Rockies near Banff in spring 2023. It’s on the Kootenay River at the Numa Creek Trailhead. I use it as wallpaper on my IPad. It looks good in both portrait and landscape. If you think you might like to use it, here it is.
It was given to me by Joakim Lindengren about 25 years ago. I met Jaokim in 1990 or 91 when he was a young man. He had around him a group of friends who wore bathrobes, Turkish fezzes and played with toy cars. His cartoon work blew me away. This is one of his early comic pages. I have lots of original cartoon art work, but just a handful on my wall. This is one of the few. It’s beautiful.
In case you’re wondering, those squiggly lines behind my left shoulder are my shadow from the candle. Took me a second or two to figure it out. “Nostrildamus” was the product of my old friend and well known Norwegian demagogue, Dag Kolstad. He read the future by picking his nose and devining the future from the booger. My apologies to the ladies.
Joe B asked me to post this New Years Day strip from 1995. And the story I started Monday , well I’ll start it again.
Once a long time ago when I was a little down on my luck back in Tallahassee, I lived in a shack on El Rancho Street. It was so bad the street sign said “El Rauncho Street.” No lie.
This is from the last week in 1999. Remember? World was going to end. The final strip is from January 1, 2000. On New Years Eve I’m interrupting the story with my Sunday strip from 1995.
When I was looking for something to wear for Date Night yesterday, I came across my old psychedelic hippy shirt. It’s beautiful. But I can’t button it any longer. Back in 1970 I weighed in at 140 pounds. It’s beautiful: