Steve A asked me to post my favorite comic strips. I told him I’d do it. First, here’s his list:
Overboard, Family Circus, Baby Blues, Sherman’s Lagoon, Drabble, Pickles, Hi and Lois, Crankshaft, Bizarro, Argyle Sweater, Norman, Brewster Rockit, Doonesbury, Pearls Before Swine
Here’s my list:
Pogo, Lil’ Abner, Thimble Theater (Popeye), Moon Mullins, Dick Tracy, Little Orphan Annie, Smokey Stover, Nancy, Krazy Kat, Barney Google, The Katzenjammer Kids
Maybe I’m living in the past, but I loved those old strips. Maybe the new ones are good, but they’re just not the same.
If you ever see this in a used book store, grab it:
BTW, I have a framed 1913 Sunday Little Nemo page.
It’s worth the price if you’re a comics fan. It’s over 300 pages, most of them classic comics. Many years ago my mother had a subscription to The Good Old Days (or something like that) magazine. Quite often they would put out a bunch of old Sunday strips in black and white, full tabloid. That was before I started drawing. I had about 4 issues. They inspired me. I might still have them someplace.
Hey, you forgot Mary Worth and Apartment 3G haha
Right. And Brenda Starr.