
A couple people mentioned that there is a clone Facebook page under my name and photo. By the way, thanks. The way I determine if a page is a fake is I click on the name of the person making the friend request. The I look at how many posts they have made. Usually the fake accounts only have no more that a handful of posts. I constantly get friend requests from bogus pages. If you want me to friend you, search for Bud Grace. If your page is legitimate I’ll friend you. But make sure it’s really me by checking my posts. There will be hundreds.

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6 Responses to Tuesday

  1. Robert R says:

    You don’t have to worry about me as I don’t do social media. On the other hand I have few friends. At least few electronic friends. Meta and X make minimal revenue from me.
    I expect a knock on the door any day now.

    I also have a philosophy that I will not buy anything from a company that does pop up ads unless it found them independently. Maybe I could start a movement.

    • Bud Grace says:

      One of the things that drives me nuts. Sure they need commercials. But when I was young and watched, say, a ball game on tv, they’d have a three minute break every 15 minutes or so. Now a college game can take 4 hours. Like the network news now. The last 15 minutes is nothing but commercials. I’m like you, I’ll bet. If they hammer me with commercials you can be sure I’m not going to buy their product. Insurance rates are out of sight here in Florida. They just went up about 30% this year. Ever try to count the number of Progressive commercials in a day? How do they pay for all that? I got a good idea.

  2. Tom B says:

    Same here, I don’t do social media except Buddy’s Blog.

  3. Victor says:

    Same here but Vivino 🙂

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