Every once in a while I run into someone who doesn’t that there is a correlation between the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the mean global temperature. I don’t necessarily think that these people are stupid, but they are certainly misinformed. So here are some graphs that I took from the internet, cleaned up, and which just might convince otherwise those who believe that they know more about science than scientists. If you are unaware of my educational background, besides being a pretty good cartoonist, I’m also a PhD physicist (Florida State University 1971) .
The first curve plots the actual mean global temperature variation measured from around 1850 to the present day:
This next curve plots the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It’s a smoothed curve because there is a seasonal variation over the course of the year. There is more CO2 in the winter than the summer because people are heating their houses, for example. The more solid red line is derived from actual measurements begun by Charles Keeling in 1958. The paler red curve is data inferred from ice cores:

Here I’ve normalized the two graphs and superimposed them:
Even a non-scientist should be able to see the correlation.
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Wow! I am so pleased that you are concerned as I am about the width of toilet paper. Thank you for all your comments. I truly believe that if one of our major parties would adopt the toilet paper issue, it could well tip the balance of the upcoming election. If I weren’t so lazy I’d run for political office.
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If you know me you know that one of the things that really wicks me off is shrinkflation, especially shrinkflation of TOILET PAPER! I was forced to stop in at an Aldi the other day. I don’t like Aldi. First time I had been in one in the past five years. In the restroom, check out the toilet paper. On the left is Aldi toilet paper. 3-1/4 inches wide. So thin you can see through it. That excuse for TP wouldn’t even span your butt cheeks. On the right is Charmin 4-1/2 wide. The only place I can find it is at Costco. And even that is a bit narrower that it used to be.
And then last night, at the Elks Lodge, check it out. 3-1/5 inches wide. There are some big folks who go to the Elks. I mean B-I-I-I-I-G! You have to be real careful. You can only wipe one side at a time. Geeze!
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