Monthly Archives: June 2023

Tuesday (I think)


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Robert R sent me a photo of his wife: OK, you’ve been reading about all those UFOs. Hold on to your hats. Here’s the TRUE STORY!

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We’re having a bumper crop of mangoes in my neighborhood.  

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Everybody’s got a good lawyer joke. Thanks. Here’s another one:

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  From Mark S: A husband and wife who work for the circus go to an adoption agency looking to adopt a child, but the social workers there raise doubts about their suitability. So the couple produce photos of their … Continue reading

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And the answer is…

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From Frederick E, some words of truth. God help those brave people in Ukraine fighting for their freedom. I have friends, a married couple. He’s a lawyer. And he’s a real good singer. About 7 years ago, one night at … Continue reading

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