
Howdy. Here’s another treasure from the salvage shop…

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6 Responses to Satidy

  1. Robert R says:

    Was the record from the Pete Fountain era?

    • Bud Grace says:

      There was a Pete fountain lp at the salvage shop. I guess I should have gotten it. I should post the old photo that I have of me, Pete and my first frau.

      • Robert R says:

        I meant was the record from when Pete Fountain was in the Lawerence Welk band. I think he got pissed off and left in the early 1960s. I was a small lad back then and remember he had a goat tee or similar.

        • Bud Grace says:

          I don’t think so. I didn’t buy it, but it was very old. I’ll go back there and see if I can find it again. I would really love to find a Cher. I don’t know if they were still making LPs when she was recording.

  2. Dave Hardin says:

    A few years ago a friend gave my wife some Serge Jaroff and the Don Cossack Choir 78 rpm records. Old albums with maybe 6 records in each album, one song on each side.

    She wanted to listen to them. We didn’t have a turntable, let alone one that plays 78s.
    So, I bought a turntable for around $350. Could have gotten one cheaper, but when you’re playing quality stuff like Serge and crew you want the best.

    She listened to them once, maybe, but since you have to get up and flip the record after every song, and since they were in Russian, once was pretty much enough for her.

    The cats wanted us to play them more – they would sit on the turntable cover and watch the records go ’round and ’round.

    • Bud Grace says:

      I have a friend up in Northern Virginia who has a vintage Victrola cabinet, and it’s full of old 78’s. Those old records sound so much better with an acoustic steel stylus. They sounded great. The one I remember best is “Don’t Bring Lulu”. That’s from 1925. I always loved that song and it sounded great on the old Victrola.

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