Monthly Archives: May 2024


It was Otto H from Sweden who asked for this story. Thanks for asking, Otto.

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I can’t find who asked for this story. From 1992…

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Does this ever happen to you?  You’re at the store and you spot something on the shelf, and you say to yourself  “I’m out of that.” And the next time you’re back there you do it again. 22 cans of … Continue reading

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I just noticed that Arnold is leading backwards. Right hand holding her hand and left hand on her back. I wonder if I drew it that way on purpose.

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I don’t know what’s going on w2ith my server. I schedule a post to appear usually at 6:00, and it says that it is scheduled. But Wednesday and Thursday didn’t appear. From now on I’ll post whenever I’m finished putting … Continue reading

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Mothers Day

My dear mother would have been 115 this year. When I was a little kid we were living in a tiny trailer on Anna Maria Island. We had running water, but it was so full of sulphur it was horrible … Continue reading

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