Mothers Day

My dear mother would have been 115 this year. When I was a little kid we were living in a tiny trailer on Anna Maria Island. We had running water, but it was so full of sulphur it was horrible to drink. We had no septic tanks so we had to poop in pots. Here’s a photo of my mother talking to a neighbor in the morning on her way to the dumping station.

I’m certainly my mother’s son.

With a couple of our pet raccoons

I couldn’t have had a better mother.


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4 Responses to Mothers Day

  1. Steamer says:

    There are many mothers, but this one is mine!

  2. AndyW says:

    Very nice tribute!

  3. Teresa says:

    Pretty mother.
    Om worried about You sinne You haven’t poster in serveras days.

    • Bud Grace says:

      I did post, but my server was down or something. In my usual routine I but together my blog and schedule it to be posted at 6:00 PM EDT. And I usually don’t check to see if it’s been posted at that time. From now on I’m going to post it immediatly.

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