Banana Bob stopped by last week and brought Frau G a couple new orchids. This first one is a ground orchid. I don’t know the name. There are several blooms. Frau G separated it and planted it in three different pots.
The second one is a vanda, first vanda that we’ve had. It’s Vanda Jorge Diaz (V. Kultana Gold x V. Crownfox Butterfly ‘Spotted Leopard’ AM/AOS, for you orchid experts.) It’s also very pretty.
I went to Manatee High School with Bob. (Go Fightin’ Seacows!) He owns Pope’s Tropical Plants in Homestead. He’s really a great guy. Much nicer than U-No-Hoo. Thanks, Bob!
I just discovered that the initial strip in the “Enos Escapes Story” was missing. So here are the first seven days…