Heeeee’s Back

Howdy. I have some good news and I have some bad news. The good news (for me anyway) is that I’m back home. The bad news is that over the next few days you are going to have to look at a bunch of my vacation slides. Where did I go? Would you  believe Nuuk, Greenland? Hey, Frau G knows how to plan a vacation.

I’m back to posting every day. Somehow the past week wasn’t posted. I thought I had scheduled it before I left. Oops.

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5 Responses to Heeeee’s Back

  1. Tom B says:

    Welcome back Bud! We were worried about you. Looking forward to your vacation pics.

  2. Pieter says:

    Welcome back!
    I am sure you had a great time and thank goodness, the lack of the weekly posting, was nothing more than forgefullness in the excitement of a long needed vacation.

  3. Al P says:

    Just hope you had a good time!!

  4. Victor says:

    Yes, we were worried… And I am glad you are back! 🙂

  5. David C King says:

    Welcome home, Bud!

    All that matters is that you had a good trip!


    p.s. This one was posted on July 7, a day that I am very familiar with! 😉

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