
My favorite animal is a raccoon. I had them as pets when I was a kid in Florida. This was in the trailer park. They’re sneaking up on Fuzzy.

This is me with Coonie when she was a baby..

We rescued her. I really loved her. She slept with me. When raccoons mature they go back into the wild. She came back to visit me two times after she left on two separate years. She brought her babies to show me. And she played with me just like she did before she left. She probably was killed or died after that. The habitat was fast disappearing.

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3 Responses to Saturday

  1. Feroz Nazir says:

    I keep re-reading this story as it’s really nice.
    As well as other stories from your past.

    Have you ever considered making a graphic novel about your life?

    • Bud Grace says:

      Well, I have some stories for sure. I’ve thought about writing sketches about interesting and funny incidents in my life. I guess I have some time now. The mornings are spent coloring early Sundays that I don’t have color fires for. It takes a long time, usually at least 3 hours per strip. My artwork isn’t easily colored. Or maybe it’s because I try to do a good job at it. I don’t understand people who, after they retire have nothing or little to do. But it wouldn’t be a graphic novel. That takes an awful lot of time, and my style, both my comic strip stye and my single panel magazine style, don’t look good for that. I did a story once about my great grandfather after the Civil War. I think it was in a preface for a Scandinavian book. The story is good, but my artwork just didn’t enhance it.

      • Feroz Nazir says:


        I also can’t imagine I’ll be bored when I retire. Plenty of (creative) stuff to do, movies to watch, comics and books to read, etc.

        In any case, it’s nice to read your stories here. Very cool that you have kept all these old photographs.

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