Lecco is on the Eastern branch of Lake Come. We were there ten days. It’s beautiful. But the temps were in the mid 90’s and humid. And most of the restaurants don’t have AC. This shot was right around the corner from our little apartment. Lots of open air restaurants.
Next shot is looking across the lake to the other shore.
Part of the ancient wall…
View out our window:
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Sunday. At least I thought it was Sunday. Today is Monday.
I got yesterday’s photos wrong. Some of them were taken in Falmouth, England. It’s a nice harbor town. On the main street there were ten thrift shops. Frau Grace went a little nutz.
That last shot is an old fort that guarded the entrance to the harbor.

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This is the small city of Stornoway in the northern tip of the Hebrides:
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Date Night
This is Seydisfjördur, a little town in the east of Iceland.
We saw a right whale in the Fjörd.
Looks like I forgot to draw the dots on Mrs. Arnoldski’s face. 
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Robert R liked the statue in Nuuk. There were several. Here are two more:
The next stop was Reykjavik. I had been there about 25 years ago. Much has changed. Near to the hotel where I stayed they built a big church:
I believe tho0se are ice breakers in dry dock.
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The 2011-2012 EBook is now ok.
Party down in Greenland’s capital city, Nuuk!
In that photo in the distance you can see some big modern buildings. There is even a shopping mall.
That’s a pretty neat statue. It’s got a walrus, a polar bear, a seal, a few fish, a kid and a naked lady. The kid is saying “Hey, Mom, there’s bird poop on your boob.” Explain to me why anybody would go naked in Greenland. Our friend went on a whale watching boat. While they were out there, the Inuit lady guide jumped in the water and took a swim. But the water is warm there in August. Temperature about 39ºF or 4º C.
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Thanks for your comments and emails while I was gone and when I returned.
Don’t buy the Kindle version of 2011-2012. Janus N told me that there’s a problem with the 2011-2012 Kindle book. It contains 2001-2002. I just now fixed it, but the corrected version won’t be ready for a day or two. I’ll let you know tomorrow. Thanks Janus. If you bought the bad version, email me and I’ll do a file transfer of a pdf version of the book. It’s not quite the Kindle. It’s a bigger file, and the format is a little different. And if anyone else finds a problem with any of the books, please let me know.
I just downloaded the book to my IPhone. I believe that you can download the file again after the correction has completed. Somebody let me know. I don’t know Jack poop about EBooks.
Corner Brook, Newfoundland:
I loved Little Lulu comix. Still do.
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https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86494947279?pwd=NjaTm4R67y1tRUMLPkmGbGbDIzUd1g.1New York to Halifax:
Sibling rivalry:
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Heeeee’s Back
Howdy. I have some good news and I have some bad news. The good news (for me anyway) is that I’m back home. The bad news is that over the next few days you are going to have to look at a bunch of my vacation slides. Where did I go? Would you believe Nuuk, Greenland? Hey, Frau G knows how to plan a vacation.
I’m back to posting every day. Somehow the past week wasn’t posted. I thought I had scheduled it before I left. Oops.
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