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Hiya Kids! Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

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Whew! I finally put together all the books that I intend to put together. It’s taken me a long time and a heck of a lot of work, but I’m finally finished. I’m going to back off now and take it easy. You may notice that my menu bar has several new items on it. There are 23 books. That doesn’t include the five collector’s editions and the four hard cover collector’s versions of the Sunday books making a total of 31 books. If you click on the links you’ll see what I mean. There are also Ebook versions of each of the 23 books. All of the dailies are in books and about 12 years worth of Sundays are in books. The Sunday collections are in full color. If you click on the items and see a mistake, please let me know, and I’ll fix it.

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Gary E told me why Taco Bell’s chihuahua got the ax. What a pity.

Oops. That one didn’t make the cut.


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Blue Monday

I forget who sent me this

Frau G loves Taco Bell. Somebody explain to me why they got rid of the Chihuahua.

Bill R asked for this

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How did Enos get into the cannibal pot?

I drew a two week story early on about how Enos goes to Bango-Bango as a medical missionary. Turns out the local cannibals invite missionaries and then eat them. Seems that I never published that story. It was a mistake. When I was working I was always at least 6 months ahead of my deadlines on my daily strips. So that story must have gotten lost in the shuffle. I don’t have a copy of the story in my computer files. I might have shipped the originals to the archives at Ohio State 8 years ago. Or they were lost. I’ve searched, but I have never been able to find them. What a bummer. 

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