Dave H told me that you can access my Facebook page without friending me. So all you have to do is search for Bud Grace. I get a lot of friend requests from people I have no connection to, so if you want me to friend you, send me an email so I know it’s you. And no, Dave, I’m not interested in shutting down my blog, but thanks for thinking it may save me time.
Sound familiar?:

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Ji Bud, Loinfruit, and Frau Grace,
I’m glad to hear you aren’t abandoning this wonderful blog. It’s as efficient as the morning paper used to be and a lot more fun. IMHO Facebook is a dying fads and far too invasive — I abandoned it years ago and will not return. In fact, I wonder if your hacker woes here in some way result from your Facebook use. Stranger things have happened on the intarwebs.
Thanks for your efforts. It’s a daily gift and I appreciate it. Merry Christmas from your Colorado!
And Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This blog is a wonderful reading. The more so that there exist people who never had a Facebook profile and whatsoever… These same people, however, are very happy with reading the blog 🙂
Thank you so much for the blog!
Thanks, Victor
I have never done social media so no profiles for me. This is as close as I get to being social on the internet. I prefer this blog to other means of transmission. I still get a daily newspaper. Please continue.
I don’t do facebook as well. Love the blog!
Happy Holidays!!