
The 2011-2012 EBook is now ok.

Party down in Greenland’s capital city, Nuuk!


In that photo in the distance you can see some big modern buildings. There is even a shopping mall.

That’s a pretty neat statue. It’s got a walrus, a polar bear, a seal, a few fish, a kid and a naked lady. The kid is saying “Hey, Mom, there’s bird poop on your boob.”  Explain to me why anybody would go naked in Greenland. Our friend went on a whale watching boat. While they were out there, the Inuit lady guide jumped in the water and took a swim. But the water is warm there in August. Temperature about 39ºF or 4º C.


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3 Responses to Wednesday

  1. Robert R says:

    The kid appears to be naked also. Is this some sort of religious statue? Are the people Inuit or Viking? I ask due to hair style. Earth Mother?

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