
Here’s a flash back to 1998…

I lived in that trailer when I was a kid. It was a 25 foot Alma. This picture was probably taken in North Carolina. For three years we traveled back and forth between Florida and Pennsylvania. Later on, when we stopped migrating, my father sold the Alma and bought an old 32 footer. My Aunt Mae had returned from Germany (Uncle Aub was in the army), and she lived next to us in the Alma in the trailer park with her invalid son and my grandmother.

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6 Responses to Monday

  1. Dave Hardin says:

    Think we went through this a while back when you previously posted this strip…..
    Vega production started with the 1970 model year. They were notorious for a cornucopia of problems. My ’72 ran fine, though.
    However, maybe Beardo was hired as a model by Chevrolet for an early ’60s trade show and they paid her off by giving her a pre-production display model of the Vega.

  2. Nils the Swede says:

    Why travelling back and forth between Florida and Pennsylvania? How far is it? Work related?

    • Bud Grace says:

      My first trip I was 5 years old. That’s me in the photo. My father had been badly injured in an industrial accident. He was in constant pain. He could no longer suffer the cold winters in Pennsylvania. The first year we went to Fort Lauderdale. The trailer park there, Berg’s Trailer Court, was interesting. Several carnival spent their winters there. One lady had a pet lion in a cage in the front of her trailer. There was the Alligator Skin Boy there as well and a bearded lady. That trip was about 1200 miles. It took us four days.

  3. Nils the Swede says:

    So the photo is from 49-50. At that time we were spending our holidays in tents here in Sweden, trailers were unknown here. Living in trailer parks is not common here even today.
    The wife and I are spending some time in our old rv, Winnebago -87.
    Liked the story about your racoon. Heartwarming. Wehave a dogand a parrot.

    • Bud Grace says:

      The photo of me and Coonie was from 1956. The photo of the two raccoons and our cat was from 1952. Winnebagos were the Cadillac of trailers. There were none in Gulf Park back then. That was in Bradenton Beach. There was no plumbing to speak of either. And of course, no AC. I don’t know how the grown-ups could stand it. And the mosquitos were like a cloud around you. About once a month the county would send out a truck to kill them. We kids would run behind the spray truck and play in the spray. That was one of the highlights of being a kid there.

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