Monthly Archives: June 2023


Thank you for the lawyer jokes. Here’s one: How many lawyers does it to screw in a light bulb? Answer Tuesday.  

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OK, prepare yourselves for a week and a half worth’s of lawyer jokes…

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Eric P sent me this: This actually happened to me about 15 years ago: I was shopping online for an item. The website would not show me the price until I gave my email address. I typed in: The … Continue reading

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From Robert R:  

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Blue Monday


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My Grandmother (the crazy one) always thought I was going to grow up to be a preacher. Precisely why I didn’t:

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  This one should have been yesterday.

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Heeeee’s Back!

I was away all last week and half of this week. That’s why I couldn’t keep up with the emails etc. I’ll tell you about it later. But for now it looks like Dr. Pork has, at least once, performed … Continue reading

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