Date Night

Frau G is back from the subartic. So date night is back on. Check it out.

See that shirt. I found it in my closet. It was never there before. Stuff like that happens to me every year or so. We have a ghost that has followed us from our house in Oakton VA. We moved 12 years ago. This is our third house since then. Things appear and disappear. No kidding. Her name is Mrs. Bunting. She died in that house. She and her husband were the owners we bought it from. You may think I’m nutz, but I’m not kidding. Either that or Frau G is trying to gaslight me.

After my father died in 1958, my mother had a series of boyfriends. They would show up for free meals. That’s where the relationship between Sid and Effie came from. Except my mother was a good cook.

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8 Responses to Date Night

  1. Lisa B. says:

    Looking sharp!

  2. Tom B says:

    That happens to me often. It’s that ‘where did that come from’ moment.

  3. Nils the Swede says:

    That also happens to me frequently. All my tools have legs and they love to make me go bananas.

  4. Divad says:

    Laisse le bon temps rouler!

  5. Richard Orodenker says:


  6. Joe says:

    Yes, in the 1960s nylon, dripdry, non-iron shorts were all the rage. In Australia the most famous brand was Glo-weave. Only problem was the material didn’t ‘breathe’ and caused the wearer to swelter inside. But they certainly did glow – especially accented by artificial lighting. Under UV lighting on the dance floor they even fluoresced.

    • Bud Grace says:

      Right. You had to wear a T-shirt under or the sweat would ruin it. I went through 3 pairs of those plastic platform shoes. They would last about three weeks before they fell apart. I wish I still had them. Back in the early 60s I made a strobe light. And I had a black light. Those were the days.

      • Paul says:

        Strobe lights were awesome! I tried to make one and plugged it in at our high school to show a friend. It took them three hours to get the power back on. Oops! 🙂

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