I finally finished the second collection of Ernie/Piranha Club Sundays. It will be available from Amazon in a few days. The bad news is that the printing costs are very high. They raised them a couple months ago. It costs $28 (of which I get $1.80). I also had to raise the price of all the daily collections, except 88-89-90 and 17-18, by $1. They won’t print them otherwise. But relax. I will make a Kindle versions of all 17 collections available by the end of this coming week. Most of the daily collections will be $5. I don’t know the cost of the Kindle versions of the Sunday collections or the 88-89-00 and 17-18 dailies yet. I’m limited to uploading a max of 3 books a day because Amazon is fighting the the uploading of AI generated titles. After these I intend to do one more collection of Sundays, then I’m done. It takes a long time. This last Sunday collection took me over 5 months to finish. I have to recolor, reformat, etc. I do have a couple collections of magazine cartoons that are available on Amazon I think. They may make me raise the price like on the daily collections. In a couple weeks I’ll make them available on Kindle as well.
Kindle versions? Great!
Hey, I know you love doing it. I’ve bought several of your books, they make great xmas gifts!
You make anything on the Kindle?
Yes. They should be available sometime this week. I’ll tell when they are all available. I can only submit three a day. So far 9 are in the process.