Monthly Archives: June 2024


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Sorry that my Sunday post was late. Thanks for your comments about my graphs on the relation between CO2 and global warming.  One of the comments was by Steve A: Bud – The primary problem appears to be in what … Continue reading

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Every once in a while I run into someone who doesn’t that there is a correlation between the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the mean global temperature. I don’t necessarily think that these people are stupid, but they are … Continue reading

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Wow! I am so pleased that you are concerned as I am about the width of toilet paper. Thank you for all your comments. I truly believe that if one of our major parties would adopt the toilet paper issue, … Continue reading

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If you know me you know that one of the things that really wicks me off is shrinkflation, especially shrinkflation of TOILET PAPER! I was forced to stop in at an Aldi the other day. I don’t like Aldi. First … Continue reading

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