Frau G is back from Yellowknife. The first three days she was there the high temp was -19F. You can have it. She said that the northern lights with the naked eye were colorless. She had to look through her camera to see the colors. She also said that she and her girlfriend were the only Westerners there. The place was almost all Chinese tourists. I’ll see if I can get some of her pictures and post them later.
Wow! That’s cool! The northern lights are on my bucket list. Didn’t know that you needed to look through a camera to see them. Thanks for the heads up.
Green and Magenta curtains hovers and in rare conditions they even comes with sound. Faint sparkling.
Best chances below 100 F.
Under -40 F of course!
So you’re saying visit in winter. Got it. No idea there was the possibility of sound! That’s awesome!
My brother lived in Alaska for 3 years. He said that when it gets below -20F things start to break. Sounds like there’s upsides as well.
I don’t like being cold. That’s why I live in Florida
Or under -40 C. Depending on which temperature scale you favor. (smile)
(for those unaware, they are the same temperature)
For those who may not know ˚F = 9/5˚C +32