I hope every one here in the States voted
I have little bitty teey tiny ants living in my keyboard under F5

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I’ve started coloring old Sundays. I didn’t have any of the color files for strips from before 1996. Back then we had to indicate color codes on acetate. A company called American Color in Buffalo NY used the codes to make the color plates for printing. The Sunday strip that I posted last week was one that I had just colored, and today’s strip I colored today. It takes me on average about two hours to color a strip.
In 1996 I got my first computer. I’ve bought close 15 since then, most for me, some for Frau G and a couple for Loinfruit. I work with two Macs now. I have to because when Apple updates its operation systems, without my computers with older operating systems, I couldn’t use several of my programs. Like Photoshop. Nowadays, if you want to update programs to work with the new OS’s, you have to have a subscription. Pay every month. It’s a conspiracy.
This strip is from 1991
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