
Frau G has relatives all over Italy. Her grandparents were from Sicily. Her cousin in Camaiore is a world renown surgeon, and after Lucca we stayed with him for four days. Camaiore is about 30 miles from Lucca. Frau G met her cousin when he was about 21 and she was 17. His house has been in the family for many years. It was built in 1475. It’s full of classical works of art hanging on all the walls. Beautiful antique furniture. Rooftop terrace. Just gorgeous. I’m sorry, I would show you the terrace, interior and paintings, but that would be an invasion of his privacy.  He showed us a wonderful time. Took us to his Camaiore Beach club. Perhaps you’ve heard of Viareggio. The beach starts there and then runs north for about 25 km. It’s very beautiful with cabanas up and down the entire length. I swam in the sea there. His club has a beautiful swimming pool as well. Swam there too. We went to the beach on  three days. It was really really nice.

While we were in Camaiore they were having their annual week long festival. Music, about 50 or 60 flea market booths, puppet show, a concert by an excellent Abba tribute band. And lots of food.



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