
I’m having computer troubles. You’ll have to wait for more vacation slides until I get it straightened out. (What’s that cheering I hear in the background) And it might be a few days. I have a guest coming in tomorrow, and then at the beginning of the week I have a rather unpleasant medical episode to endure.

Related to that, did I ever tell you about a sigmoidoscopy I had about 15 years ago? My doctor, great guy, was an amateur banjo player. I saw him the week before, and I told him that I had a banjo. I brought it in with me the following week when I was to have my procedure. I was showing him my banjo in the waiting room when the nurse came out and told me it was time for my sigmoidoscopy. She left me in the exam room. I dropped my pants, turned around and assumed the position. When the doc came in I played Dueling Banjos. He told Frau G that he thought I was nutz.

  BTW, the guy who is coming in tomorrow is my old friend and terrific musician, Tom Saputo. I was out today renting a keyboard for a gig he has tomorrow night. After my episode with the doctor I gave Tom my banjo.

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2 Responses to Friday

  1. Tom B says:

    I had to look that up, wish I hadn’t. Sounds like fun 🙁

  2. AndyW says:

    Miss the trip photos, but the story was a good substitute!

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