
A week ago last Saturday I went to to a luau at an old friend’s house. She moved down here about three years ago. It was quite a feast and wild time. A bunch of old friends came down from Northern Virginia for the party. My old friend, Dyanne, even had a roasted pig and an apple in it’s mouth. For a while I thought I was on Bango-Bango with the Cannibals. And what a wild time.  But as I mentioned a few days ago, my old friend and fantastic musician, Tom Saputo, provided the music. Is he ever terrific. He bunked with me and Frau G while he was here. Another special treat was that my old friend and incredibly gifted performer, Michael Perry, from Las Vegas was there. I took a video of him singing my favorite that he sings, The Isley Brothers’ Shout! Wouldn’t you know it, my IPhone just went blewey and I lost all my photos and videos. Michael’s  voice just blows me away. He has a bunch of videos posted on YouTube, for example this one, Percy Sledge’s When a Man Loves a Woman.  My personal thanks goes out to our hostess Dyanne, and Tom and Michael.


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