
Yesterday I forgot to mention that near Taormina, in Torre del Lago, was Puccini’s house. Puccni was a hunter and fisherman, hence when he got rich, he had his house built on the lake.

From Torre del Lago we drove to Pisa. We had been to the Leaning Tower and Cathedral years before, so we just drove around the city.  Her cousin attended Università di Pisa . He said that the only industry in Pisa these days was tourism and the University. I corrected him. Tourism, the university and pickpockets. 40 odd years ago when we were there I saved Frau G from a pickpocket at the entrance to the Baptistry. We didn’t go into the cathedral area, but we did drive in and around the university. It was founded in 1343.

Part of the old Roman wall which circled the ancient city…

The tiny Church of Santa Maria della Spina, built on the River Arno in the early 13th century…


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One Response to Monday

  1. David C King says:

    In Puccini’s house did you see his guns? There was a hunting rifle that needed a tripod to rest it on – it was humungous. Quite fascinating to see all the artifacts there – including the piano that he used while writing opera!!

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