
From Pisa we flew back to Gatwick and then on a train to Portsmouth Harbor. It’san active harbor, two aircraft carriers were docked there. This first photo is what we saw when we arrived. It’s the HMS Warrior. Built 1859-1861, it was the biggest, fastest and most powerful  ironclad battleship of its era. It never shot its guns in battle. That’s because France and its ally Spain knew they were totally outgunned, and they decided not to invade. It’s part of the National Museum of the Royal Navy. I’ll show photos from the museum tomorrow.

There’s a park that runs along the waterfront…

And about a mile down the harbor is an amusement park with all kinds of rides and arcades. In the picture above you can see it in the distance.

This is a really cool Anglican church on the way back to the inner harbor. We stopped across the street for a beer at a neighborhood pub.

This old church was missing part of its roof.

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