
From March, 2017. I thought it might be a good idea to put in something more recent…

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6 Responses to Sunday

  1. Gary E says:

    W. C. Fields, the famous comedian and actor who spun such punch lines as “I once spent a year in Philadelphia, I think it was on a Sunday” and “I certainly do not drink all the time; I have to sleep, you know,” was a confirmed atheist. When he finally lay dying (of cirrhosis of the liver) in 1946, a nurse walked into his sanitarium room one day and caught him propped up in bed reading the Bible. She was shocked.
    “What in the world are you doing, Mr. Fields?!” she exclaimed.
    Ever the wise guy, he cracked his trademark grin and muttered, “Looking for a loophole.”

    • Bud Grace says:

      My favorite comedian. W.C. and Curly Howard. The two funniest in my opinion. In the old days my father worked for Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton. Those old guys were so, so funny. I still laugh. I have the complete collection of 3 Stooges one reelers.

      • Paul says:

        Just recently I’ve started watching W.C. even though I grew up on the Stooges. I thought the Three Stooges movie released in 2012 was very true to the originals and did a great job. I’ve heard that when they were holding auditions for the roles that anyone who tried to bring their own ‘interpretation’ to the character was rejected.

  2. Gary E says:

    Bud- You are likely already aware, but Tubi has a bunch of the Stooges early work. I have been streaming a few of the first episodes. They are really good.

  3. Bud Grace says:

    I saw a Ted Healy movie last year. I think it was Beer and Pretzels. Stooges were in it. He made one feature film with Shemp and when Shemp left in 1932. He made Beer and Pretzels with Curly. Wonderful. Healy taught them to become the Stooges.

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